We’ve worked with some of the world most recognized brands.
We’ve worked with some of the world most recognized brands.

Legambiente Mirano
Legambiente Mirano Circle of the Italian Environment League, deals with the protection of the environment, Luca Fiorentini is a partner.

Jakub Tchorzewski – Pianist
Jakub Tchorzewski – Pianist www.piano.info.pl Jakub is a young collaborator of excellence and great experience. Festival: Music Biennale (Venezia), musical evenings (Milano), New Consonanza (Roma), Liepaja Music Festival (Latvia), Cluj Musical Autumn (Romania), Prishtina Music Festival (Kosovo), Poznan Musical Spring (Poland); Recital: Quirinale (Roma), Theaters La Fenice (Venezia), Region (Parma), A. Bonci (Cesena), Philharmonic […]
Carlo Lazari – violinist
Carlo Lazari – Violin Teacher Biography He began studying the violin at a very young age with Emilio Cristinelli, tenor and orchestra at the Teatro La Fenice in Venice , student in turn of Joseph Priests, and after entering the Venice Conservatory in Renato Zanettovich's class, is called to take part in the study and […]
Alessandro Drago – Pianist
Alessandro Drago – Pianist www.alessandrodrago.it Alessandro Drago was musically trained, the Maestro School. G.Agosti, under whose guidance he graduated from the conservatory 'S. Cecilia 'in Rome. following, the precious encounter with Maestro. F. Zadar, which Drago was also assistant for three years in Lausanne (Switzerland), he put it […]
Giovanni Lazzaro – Luthier
Giovanni Lazzaro – Liutaio www.atelierlazzaro.com As pupil of internationally rewarded masters restorers such as Hans J. Nebel and Vahkn Nigogosian – both pupils of S. F. Sacconi at Rembert Wurlitzer Inc. in New York - Horacio Piniero (Director of Jaque Français Workshop in New York, U.S.A.), Kenneth Meyer and Yung Ching, Giovanni Lazzaro is constantly […]
Marco Vincenzi – Harpsichord and Organ
Marco Vincenzi – Harpsichord and Organ www.cembalo.it Marco Vincenzi, organist and harpsichordist Verona, he graduated in 1984 with honors in Organ and Composition at the Conservatory of Verona under the guidance of Umberto Forni and M.o 1989 with full marks in Harpsichord at the Conservatory of Mantua under the […]